Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Example of drug user

Name: James
Gender: Male
Profession: Student
Ethnicity: Canadian
Likes: Wathcing bad movies and smoking
Dislike: Studing and reading
Favorite food: Pizza
Popularity: Very famous through out the school
Tpyes of friends: Smokers and thieves
Which hut: Middle big hut, where all the students like to come and interact
Esteem: Very low
Wealth: Born in middle class family
Genetics: His father smokes
At first, James was not a smoker. He was always anxious about the taste of cigarettes. Becasue his father smoked alot,James was very used with the smell of cigarettes. James was always bullied by students and was always alone. One day, 2 smokers came to James and asked him to smoke. By the peer pressure and becasue he thought that smokers are always cool, he started to smoke. As he smoked, he felt relaxed and started to experience euphoria. However, he hated the dysphoria after smoking. So he became a heavy smoker. During the P.E class, he felt very nurvous and unstable and got exhausted very easily. Also, his teeth became yellow and his breath smelled bad. So he decided to withdrawal smoking. However, it didn't last long. He was not able to tolerate himself. He had to elevate drug doses becasue he felt more nurvous and unstable then usual. Also, he was very depressed. He finally couldn't end up quiting smoking. If he was a teacher, he could have influenced his students so he might end up being an unsuccessful teacher.

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