Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Where can I get help with drugs?

NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.

Mailing Address:
-Executive Boulevard, Room 5213Bethesda, MD 20892-9561U.S.A

Telephone: 301-443-1124

Cost: $36~$53 per person



Hey! This is Dr. Dngk. I am here to talk about one of the most famous drugs that people consume these days and it is called Nicotine.

10 questions about Nicotine

1) In what kinds of drugs can you find Nicotine?
2) Mainly, what parts of brain does Nicotine effect?
3) Is Nicotine stimulent, depressent or both?
4) What are some street names of Nicotine?
5) In what drug is Nicotine most common?
6) Are the Nicotine users increasing or decreasing?
7) Name 3 medical usage of Nicotine
8) What are some short term effects?
9) What are some long ter effects?
10)Write 2 ways of taking Nicotine


Smoking related videos

No Smoking (2007)
Genre: Educational
Starring: John Abraham, Ayesha Takia, Paresh Rawal
Director: Anurag Kashyap
Screenwriter: Anurag Kashyap

Stop Smoking Using Your Unconscious Mind A Subliminal Program (2006)

Genre: Education/General Interest

Synopsis: Subliminal messages in this 20-minute program help viewers quit smoking by reprogramming the unconscious, eliminating cravings and increasing will power. Each suggestion is spoken out loud only once, then repeated as a hidden part of the program's relaxing music and visuals.... Subliminal messages in this 20-minute program help viewers quit smoking by reprogramming the unconscious, eliminating cravings and increasing will power. Each suggestion is spoken out loud only once, then repeated as a hidden part of the program's relaxing music and visuals.

What shell I do with heavy drug users?

It is very hard to change a heavy drug abuser to stop using drugs. It is quite hard to make a person who doesn't even acknowledge their drug usage to change their mind. I think that one important thing for this is that we should make the drug abuser to relize how bad he or she is effecting the community and First, I would show him some videos or documents TV programs to show and make him or her to relize how harsh and dangerous the drugs are. Then, I will show the background of the usage of drugs. Then approach them very softly by asking gerneral questions. If you show them that you understand their feelings, they might open their mind and ask you for help.

How will I help drug abusers?

If one of my friends abuse drugs, I will absolutely do something to stop the the action. First of all, I might have to consult him or her and listen to the reasons for abusing drugs. But if my friend doesn't want me to report this to his or her parents, I might have to take him or her to the drug special consultant for mental treatments. If the problem is too serious and can't be treated psychologically, I might go see the friend's parents and report that he or she is in serious drug abusements.

What will happen to my family?

If one of my family abuse drugs, he or she might bring huge troubles

1. Emotions

The emotion is one of the biggest issues of abusing drugs. Family members will start to avoid the person and fill with disappointments and angers. Friends will start to leave the person and it might also end up parents divorcing. People aren't just going to ingore that person but the whole society can repell our family from the community.

2. Financial Issues

From abusing drugs, it will cost a lot of money. Since drugs are very expensive, if the person gets addictied to the drug, the money will be spent very quickly. If the person buys the drug everyday, the amount of money will be tremendous. Also, if the family doesn't provide the person with money, he or she will end up stealing.

3. Health Issues

Drugs are very harmful for the body. For example, cigarettes contain more then 100 kinds of chemical and if the person consume bad chemicals a lot, it can cause serious side effects that might casue a lot of money for the treathments. Also, the health issue can break the value and the structure of the family.

My own stress-free

There are several activities that makes me to get endorphin. These are the perfect activities that can release stress and get high and happy without taking any drug.

1. Badminton:
From playing badminton, I can release stress by spiking the cok to the opponent. Hitting it hard won't be as strong as hitting a tennis ball. So I have no limites for hitting the cok.

2. Musics:
Listening to rock musics help me to release stress. It makes me high and happy. However, if I listen to ballad musics, it sometimes makes me depressed.

3. Funny commedy show through TV:
From watching funny gag programs, I can relieve stress by laughing. I people laugh, they can forget problems and troubles.


Some anti-smoking advertisements!
This will make you to stop smoking!
Have a look! Enjoy~@!

Smoking (Nicotine) Song

The song 'My Smoking Song' has some cool words for smoking. Swearing words make this lyrics more cooler then usual. This song might influence those who are thinking of abusing drugs.

Title: My Smoking Song
This is my smokin' song
It ain't very long, but guaranteed to get the job done
Smoke one, what the fuck you waitin' on
Get high, I'd love to blaze you high as the sky
But it hot, Wyte how hot, So hot ya brain about to fry
So you got a quarter key of some that
California chronicIf its fire
I'm jumpin' on itAnd if it ain't I'm bouncin' off itIt ain't no
profit comin' back
A big ole bag of Bobby BrownSoon as get that shit
I'm Frayser boundAnd down to smoke a pound

Drugs in school

Through drug test, the school is able to catch students whom abuse drugs. However, it is very hard to catch students who abuse drugs by smoking. Sometimes, there are some reports made by students. The consequences for selling or abusing drug would be more then four days of suspension as a first offense. If the action is repeated, he or she is recommended expulsion.

School Policy

First offence:
- Four or more days suspension
- Six counseling sessions with outside counselor
- Name notified in report to Indonesian authorities
- Regular drug testing for the rest of the year

Second offence:

- Recommended Expulsion

*Possession of, taking, being under the influence of, buying, selling, giving, trafficking, aiding or abetting the propagation of narcotics, stimulants, barbiturates, suppressants, hallucinogens, inhalants or marijuana.
First offence:

- Recommended Expulsion

Is the person physically and psychologically addicted?

Yes. James was very unstable and his teeth were getting yellowish. Also, he was getting depressed as he was not able to smoke. Therefore, we can know that James is physically and psychologically addicted to the drug.

Example of drug user

Name: James
Gender: Male
Profession: Student
Ethnicity: Canadian
Likes: Wathcing bad movies and smoking
Dislike: Studing and reading
Favorite food: Pizza
Popularity: Very famous through out the school
Tpyes of friends: Smokers and thieves
Which hut: Middle big hut, where all the students like to come and interact
Esteem: Very low
Wealth: Born in middle class family
Genetics: His father smokes
At first, James was not a smoker. He was always anxious about the taste of cigarettes. Becasue his father smoked alot,James was very used with the smell of cigarettes. James was always bullied by students and was always alone. One day, 2 smokers came to James and asked him to smoke. By the peer pressure and becasue he thought that smokers are always cool, he started to smoke. As he smoked, he felt relaxed and started to experience euphoria. However, he hated the dysphoria after smoking. So he became a heavy smoker. During the P.E class, he felt very nurvous and unstable and got exhausted very easily. Also, his teeth became yellow and his breath smelled bad. So he decided to withdrawal smoking. However, it didn't last long. He was not able to tolerate himself. He had to elevate drug doses becasue he felt more nurvous and unstable then usual. Also, he was very depressed. He finally couldn't end up quiting smoking. If he was a teacher, he could have influenced his students so he might end up being an unsuccessful teacher.


There are no specific punishments made toward people that smokes. However, countries like Hong Kong, who is an anti-smoking countries, ban or prohibit people to smoke in public areas and if people do so, they will have to fine $192. Also, there are no charges or specific punishments for selling cigarettes.

Statistics about Nicotine

- About a third of the male adult global population smokes

- Smoking related-diseases kill one in 10 adults globally, or cause four million

- By 2030, if current trends continue, smoking will kill one in six people.

- About 15 billion cigarettes are sold daily - or 10 million every minute.

- Among young teens (aged 13 to 15), about one in five smokes worldwide.

- Between 80,000 and 100,000 children worldwide start smoking every day

- About a quarter of youth alive in the Western Pacific Region will die from smoking


There are no specific drugs that only has Nicotine. People usually sell cigarettes and Tabacoo which contain Nicotine in it. The price of cigarettes is about Rp. 11.000per 20 cigarettes. However, the price in Korea is much different from Indonesia. Becasue Koera prefers anti-smoking, they raised up the price of cigarettes by putting more taxes. Therefore, the price of 20 cigarettes in Korea is about Rp. 30.000 (W.3.000).

WIthdrawal Effects




-Stomach pains

-Cold sweats



-Hearing or vision problems


-Chest pain

-Uneven or racing heartbeat


Long Term Effects

Long term effects

-Lung disease, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis


-Heart disease

-Hormonal problems


Short term effects

short term effects

-Bad Breath

-Smelly hair and clothes

-Yellow and brown stains on teeth

-Damage to respiratory System

-Addiction to nicotine

-Risk of other drug use

-Chronic cough

-Increased incidence of bronchitis

-Increased incidence of asthma

Medical Uses

- Mouth or dental problems (Nicotine Gum)

- Skin Condition (Nicotine Patch)

- Allergies (Spray form of nicotine)

- Nasal Polyps (Spray form of nicotine)

- Sinusitis (Spray form of nicotine)

History of Nicotine

The name Nicotine came from a tobacco plant named Nicotiana tabacum, which the name came after Jean Nicot, who sent tobacco seeds from Portugal to Paris in 1550 and promoted its medicinal use.

Stimulant or Depressant?

Nicotine is both Stimulent and depressant

Physically Addictive

Nicotine is the ingredient that causes physical addiction to tobacco. It's a stimulant and increases activity in the brain just like caffeine, cocaine and amphetamine.

The way of using Nicotine

Nicotine can be taken in several ways. The most common and quick way of taking Nicotine is by smoking. The user lights the cigarette and sucks the smoke into the lung and exhales it.

Street names of Nicotine

6) What are the street names of the drug?


*Split tobacco

What drug am I researching?

5) What drug are you researching?


Classes of drugs

1)Central Nervous System (CNS)
DepressantsSlow down the operations of the brain and the body

-anti-anxiety tranquilizers (e.g. Valium, Librium, Xanax, Prozac, and Thorazine)
-GHB (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate)
-Rohypnol and many other anti-depressants (e.g. Zoloft, Paxil).

2). CNS Stimulants Accelerate
the heart rate and increase the blood pressure and over-stimulate

-Methamphetamine ("Crank").

3). HallucinogensPerceive
things differently than they actually are

-MDMA (Ecstasy)

4). Dissociative Anesthetics
Remove pain by severing brain's perception of the pain.

-PCP and it's analogs

5). Narcotic Analgesics
Relieves pain, induces euphoria and creates mood changes


6). Inhalants
Breathable substances that produce mind-altering results and effects

-plastic cement
-paint, gasoline
-paint thinners
-hair sprays
-various anesthetic gases.

7). Cannabis Scientific name for marijuana

-synthetics (eg. Dronabinol)


Addiction is a habit that needs helps physiologically and psychologically. People get addicted to Nicotine by smoking or by chewing tobacco.

Why do people abuse drugs?

Some people use drugs because of peer pressure. Some may think that they might be immune and the effects of drugs won’t affect them. The person who took the drug wants that feeling repeated, so they take the drug again.

What parts of brain does Nicotine effect?

1)What parts of the brain are affected by your drug? (Include a picture of the brain and the areas affected.

*Locus Coeruleus

*Noradrenergic Neurons


